Discovery Centre

Why Make a Donation to KCDCS?


KCDCS was created to ensure the continuation of  high quality environmental education and awareness programs and activities in the Creston Valley and to build a new wetland education centre (Discovery Centre).


KCDCS is a registered federal charity (Charitable # 800102675 RR0001).  KCDCS will issue an official tax receipt for donations.


How to Make a Donation

1. Online

Donate online through a secure online platform: DONATE NOW

There is the option to set up monthly donations and to make a donation in memory of.


2. Cheque or Etranster

If you prefer to make a donation…

Cheques can be mailed to:

PO Box 763, Creston, BC V0B1G0

Etransfers can be made to:


3. Cash 

We accept cash at the Discovery Centre when we are open (May-October).  If you want to make a cash donation outside of this time, please contact us.


4.  Planned Giving

Planned Giving is a great way to ensure the continuation of environmental education programs for generations to come.  For further information, please contact us.


5.  Other Donations

KCDCS’ Donations Policy sets out rules for accepting other types of donations, e.g. artworks, real property, etc. Please Contact Us for further information.


How Funding is Applied

To environmental program including operational costs and expenses


In 2018, the Columbia Basin Trust and the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Authority (Authority) provided funding to KCDCS to facilitate the transition of educational programs and activities from the management of the Authority to KCDCS.  The funding is spread over 5 years.  However the costs and expenses associated with program development and delivery, including the operation of a temporary facility, requires additional funding.  Every year KCDCS applies for public grants to pay those costs and expenses. There is a limited amount of grant money available and there are many applicants.  The outcome of our applications is never certain. Donors who wish to help us with educational program costs and expenses may designate their donation for “Environmental Education”.


To the development of a new Discovery Centre


The development of the Discovery Centre is underway.  A pre-design project, funded by the B.C. Rural Development Fund, is complete.  KCDCS is engaging in public outreach and actively seeking new members (currently free).  Our marketing plan and the ‘masterplan’ are both near completion.  We are working with the Authority to ensure the masterplan includes important details like the protection of species-at-risk and compliance with laws and regulations.  In addition, KCDCS’ Board continues to take steps to increase its capacity to oversee the entire development.  Capacity building includes working with experts in the field of wetland education centre development.  Building capacity by working with experts is a significant but necessary cost of development.


Of course the securing of funds to actually proceed with the construction of the Discovery Centre is extremely important.  KCDCS’ marketing and fundraising plan includes outreach to governments, corporations and large financial and educational institutions. Our intention is to fund the development and future operations of the new Centre from an Endowment Fund.


The development of the new Discovery Centre is a ‘process’.  It involves many aspects and moving forward involves a variety of unavoidable costs and expenses.  Donations from members of the public and small businesses will help keep the project moving while the implementation of our marketing and fundraising plan is underway.  Donors who wish to help us with development costs and expenses may designate their donation for “New Discovery Centre”.


Non-designated Donations


Donations that do not bear a designation will be applied by KCDCS to either Environmental Education or the Discovery Centre, according to need.


For More Information

Address General Inquiries to:

The Treasurer

Kootenay-Columbia Discovery Centre Society

P.O. Box 763, Creston, B.C.

V0B 1G1


Or simply contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can!